14 Février 2010
Né le 9/9/63, PARIS , France
Lycée Champollion, Grenoble , France
Bac, 1981
1981 : début des études medicales
1996 : internat
1987 : nationwide eliminatory examination for entry into specialist training
1987-92 : internship in GRENOBLE, senior house officer in orthopaedic surgeery
and general surgery
1992 : diploma of orthopaedic surgeon , and general surgeon
Thesis for Doctor in Medecina about the early mobilizatio of the extensor tendon of the
1992-96 : assistant in orthopaedic surgery, public hospital
1996 : installation in a private hospital in GRENOBLE
Orthopaedic surgeon , 1992
General Surgery, 1992
Diploma of Biomechanic
Diploma of Anatomy
Diploma of embryogenesis
Master Biology 1994
Superior Diploma of physic and informatic french DEA 1995
Medical student 1992-96 = 80h
Nurses 1992-96 = 20h
Physiotherapist 1992-96 = 60h
Puericultrices 1992-96 = 40h
Sage femmes 1992-96 = 80h
Ostéopathes 2000-03 = 40h
« High pressure injection in the fingers « annales de chirurgie de la main, 1994
« early mobilizsation of the fingers after extesnsor surgery , annales de chirurgie de la main, 1994
« use of the tri calcic phosphate , a serie of 55 cases, Rev de Chir Orthop,1996, 82, 175
Ligamentoplatie of the knee by Kenneth Jones Technic :interrest of the bioresorbable screws : RMI evaluation, Rev Chir Orthop, 1996, 87 (Sup II), 82-83
Lantuejoul JP, Guinard D,: Early protected mobilization with a Levame splint after
primary repair of hand extensor tendons: report on a series of 88 cases. ...
Romanian journal of hand and reconstructive microsurgery
EJOT 23/03/2012 Seven-year results of a press-fit, hydroxyapatite-coated double
mobility acetabular component in patients aged 65 years or older
Ruptures of the extensor tendons of the fingers, journées de la main , 1990, St Hilaire, France
Rupture of the ACL , Journées grenobloise du genou ,1992, , Grenoble, France
Use of Phosphate tricalcique in Orthopedic surgery a about 55 cases, GRECO, Paris, 1995,
The use of TPC in orthopedic surgery,( English ) Marseille,1996,GESTO, France
A study of the biomechanic specifications of the double mobility cup, Chamonix,2002, France
Biomecanic of the double mobility cup : special points, 1ère Journée expression , Marrakech , Maroc,2002
The double mobility acetabular cup concept, Nedderlands, october, 2002
The ceramic on ceramic acetabular concept : a 30 years experience , and a 4 years eternity cup experience, Johannesburg, August 2002
The use of the double mobility in repeated dislocations, 3rd South African congress, March 2003
Mini open of 5 cm for hip surgery : description of my technic, about 600 cases, Marbella , spain , 2003
Inegality of length after THP : studie of acetabular and femur special situation, Marbella , Spain , 2003
The double mobility concept in standart and reconstruction situations, French Japonese association, Grenoble Sep 2003
Mini open for Hip Surgery, french national hip surgery, Les journées Lyonnaises de la hanche, Lyon , dec 2003
Posterior MIS for hip , ENGLISH , Madrid, Spain, , september 2004
Mini open for Hip Surgery, ENGLISH , ROME , november 2004
Training activitie for Europezn surgeons in VIENNA, Autriche, mini open in hip and knee surgery , March and october 2004
Mini open for Hip Surgery, ENGLISH , Johannesburg , South Africa, december 2004
The AVANTAGE cup : rapid recovery, English, Oslo, Norway, april 2005
And Live Hip surgery ( mini post approach in the same congress)
Oslo, Norway, april 2005
Less traumatic Hip Surgery, , ENGLISH , Madrid, Spain, , september 2005
double mobility cups (history, indications, clinical results) and
MIS Avantage surgery, Krakowice, Poland November 2005
Technique de mini arthrotomie pour prothèse uni compartimentaire de genou
1st Advanced Course on Knee Surgery , Val d'Isere, Janvier 2006
An other alternative : the double mobility
Advances and controversies in Orthopaedic Surgery, Valencia ,Spain , June 2007
Biomechanical and linical experience of the double mobility cup
The 23rd annual congress of the Syrian orthopaedic society, Alepp, Nov 2007
De l'anatomie a la conception d'une prothèse : une étude radiologique de 850 cas
What about Hip ? Lyon, Janvier 2009
Posterior mini open for Hip,
IMUKA 2010; Maastricht, February 2010
Managing recurrent dislocationof the Hip
Contemporary Approaches in total hip arthroplasty
février 2011, Amsterdam
Contemporary Approaches in Total Hip Arthroplasty
9-11 Février 2011, Amsterdam
Organization of the first OXFORD French Course, Annecy 24-25/1/2004
Organization of the first European Congress for mini open in Orthopaedic Surgery, Grenoble 11-12 june 2004
300 arthroscopies de genou
300 prothèses de hanches
180 prothèses de genou
75 prothèses uni compartimentaires de genou
chirurgie du LCA
European Consultant For BIOMET in mini open Surgery
Medecin du club de rugby de Grenoble FCG depuis 4 ans
photo, vidéo
course a pied